10 March 2025

Contemplation - what it is; definitions

What do you understand contemplation to be? What does “contemplation” actually mean?

We are now entering into the second half of my 8 week online meditation and contemplation online program, and thought it might be helpful to share this handout on the definition of contemplation more widely...

I love definitions – within their limitations. What strikes me in the field of meditation and contemplation is people use these words, along with others like mindfulness and awareness, to cover a wide variety of meanings. This has led me to be keen to be more precise with how I do use the words; hence the pre-occupation with definitions.

As an aside, the next Meditation Teacher Training is only a couple of months away and will focus more particularly this time on meditation itself. For Meditation in the Forest, the 7 day meditation retreat in June, we will explore both meditation and contemplation – a great combination :) and now close to fully booked...

So this week, the definitions of contemplation, but first

   Thought for the day

       Put aside the intellectual practice 

       Of investigating words and chasing phrases, 

       And learn to take the backward step 

       That turns the light and shines it inward. 

       Body and mind of themselves will drop away, 

       And your original face will manifest. 

                    Dogen - Zen master

Contemplation - a general definition from the Oxford Dictionary

Contemplation: The act of thinking about or pondering over a thing continuously, musing, meditation.

The action of viewing as a possibility or as a purpose; taking into account, prospect, intention.

Contemplate: Be occupied in contemplation, ponder, view mentally, consider in a particular aspect.

Look at with continuous attention, observe thoughtfully, regard as possible, expect, take into account as a contingency. 

Have in view as a purpose, intend.

The author, Ian Gawler’s working definition:

Contemplation is a process of thinking about a particular matter over and over in a meditative fashion. Contemplation has the intention of thinking that matter through clearly, as well as developing creativity and insight. There is also the real possibility that through contemplation one may access intuition and come to more fully embody one’s own personal truth.

Contemplation in Greek Philosophy

Contemplation was integral to Plato’s philosophy. Plato stated that through contemplation, the soul may ascend to knowledge of the Form of the Good, or other divine Forms. Here, Forms are defined as perfect, eternal, and changeless concepts existing outside space and time; the Form of the Good is the mysterious highest Form and the source of all the other Forms.

Contemplation in a religious context

The practice of contemplation seeks a direct awareness of the divine which transcends the intellect, often in accordance with religious practices such as meditation or prayer. Some examples: 


The anonymous 14th Century text, Cloud of Unknowing makes clear that the practice of contemplation is not an act of the intellect, but a kind of transcendent 'seeing,' beyond the usual activities of the mind.

In Catholicism, St. Thomas Aquinas wrote: "It is requisite for the good of the human community that there should be persons who devote themselves to the life of contemplation." 

One of his disciples, Josef Pieper commented: "For it is contemplation which preserves in the midst of human society the truth which is at one and the same time useless and the yardstick of every possible use; so it is also contemplation which keeps the true end in sight, gives meaning to every practical act of life."

In Eastern Christianity, contemplation literally means to see God or to have the Vision of God.


Contemplation has been a central part of Jewish tradition throughout history, and is a focus of the growing Contemplative Judaism movement - a new, more universalist theology that sees God as a force/consciousness/Presence known through experience, and recognized through a wide range of practices including traditional liturgy and commandments, but also through meditation, experience in nature, and art.

In Judaism, contemplative practices include silence, quieting the mind, concentration, and cultivating ethical and spiritual qualities. 


It is said Muhammad would go into the desert, climb a mountain known as Mount Hira, and seclude himself from the world. While on the mountain, he would contemplate life and its meaning.


Contemplation, or analytical meditation as it is often called, plays a big part in Buddhist practice. 

A good example is the contemplation of the four foundations of mindfulness, where one trains in contemplating the human body as impure, contemplating all sensation as suffering, contemplating the mind as impermanent and contemplating all phenomena as without the self.

The aim is to arrive at a direct perception of the truth - the truth on both a relative and an absolute scale.


Baha’u’llah and Abdu’l-Baha wrote about contemplation and meditation in regard to reflecting on beauty, the Kingdom of God, science, and the arts. Abdu'l-Baha stated that "the sign of the intellect is contemplation, and the sign of contemplation is silence... he cannot both speak and meditate".


Meditation Teacher Training – Module 1: Mindfulness-based Stillness Meditation

11am Monday 12th to 3.30pm Friday 16th May, 2025

The Mindfulness-based Stillness Meditation module will cover all the essentials of how to present a meditation course in-person or online. (Yes we do help you with how to present online as we recognise so many people are requesting this for actual meditation programs). This module details a comprehensive approach to meditation that covers preparation, relaxation, concentration, mindfulness, awareness and stillness. An approach to meditation that goes to the very essence… Theory, delivery, session structures, promotion, finances, the special challenges and needs of online courses, and more…

Developed for those new to teaching meditation, and for those wanting to go further.

Both trainings provide wonderful peer support and networking...

Meditation Teacher Training – Module 2: Imagery

11am Saturday 1st to 3.30pm Wednesday 5th November, 2025 (inc Melbourne Cup holiday on the 4th for Victorians)

So many people in so many domains recommend the benefits of guided imagery. This training will position you to be able to offer your community something of great value – a reliable way to help your participants to better understand how their thinking minds and emotions work, and how they can mange them so much better – for their own good and the good of others. This training is also manual based and will enable you to deliver a much-needed program.

Of great personal value, this training is suitable for those new to teaching meditation, and for those wanting to go further. Highly experiential, it will provide a review of the first module that will have given more attention to the basics of how to develop, manage and deliver a meditation program or course. Here we will give some attention to theory, research, delivery, session structures, promotion, finances, the special challenges of online courses, but the emphasis will be on experiencing the key practices of imagery, and working on how to best present a course focusing upon guided imagery.

 As a feature, ongoing mentorship and peer support is available through a specific group led by Ian, Ruth and Melissa for people who have completed one or more of our trainings.

Additional information is available via this link

How to apply for either or both Meditation Teacher Trainings:

1.        The first step is to visit our website, download the Meditation Teacher Training application form and return it to our Retreat Manager, Mel Crow.  

2.        Mel will then arrange a short phone conversation to clarify what the trainings offer, discuss your needs, answer any questions and ensure the program is suitable for you. 

3.        Once accepted for the training(s), you pay a deposit or full fee to reserve your place.

4.        Full payment is due 3 weeks prior to the commencement of your training.


ALSO – ADVANCED NOTICE for our Two Meditation Retreats in 2025

MEDITATION in the FOREST     June 2025

Join us for the very popular Meditation in the Forest 7 day meditation retreat. 

Open to and suitable for both those newer to meditation, and those more experienced. 

Relaxation, mindfulness, stillness and awareness. 

Ruth and I will be joined by the wonderful Melissa Borich…


For your part? Simply make the time and come along…Relax. Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the Yarra Valley with its big trees, fresh air, beautiful grounds, the Little Yarra River, and sublime meditation sanctuary.

You can simply let go, and let be… 

TIMES: Monday 2nd June starting at 11am   to 2pm Friday 8th June (after lunch) 2025

VENUE: The Yarra Valley Living Centre, 55 Rayner Crt, Yarra Junction, Victoria, Australia

DETAILS and BOOKINGS: Visit our website: Click Here


DEEP NATURAL PEACE     Long weekend mini retreat    November 2025

Towards the end of the year, an ideal opportunity for some time out, some gentle introspection and reflection, letting go of the busyness and finishing the year on a meditative high.

TIMES: Friday 14th November starting at 11am   to 3.30pm Sunday 16th November 2025

VENUE: The Yarra Valley Living Centre, 55 Rayner Crt, Yarra Junction, Victoria, Australia

DETAILS and BOOKINGS: Visit our website: Click Here


You can register for any of the residential programs through our website


01 March 2025

The Gawler Meditation Teacher Trainings – May and November 2025

Have you ever considered becoming a teacher of meditation? 

Some make a career out of it; many teach part-time within their communities, workplaces, schools; there are many possibilities…

Having led my first meditation teacher training program way back in 1988, it is a real delight to be able to offer 2 more Meditation Teacher Training programs in 2025. Ruth and I love teaching meditation teachers and this year we will be joined by our wonderful colleague and friend, Melissa Borich who has a wealth of experience in meditation practice and teaching, as well as yoga.

These Gawler Meditation Teacher Trainings will be personalised, interactive and fun. They will be informed by ancient wisdom, our collective experiences, and the best of modern research. 

Maybe it is time to join us?, but first

             Thought for the day

     Learning to meditate is the greatest gift 

     You can give yourself or another in this life.

     For it is only through meditation 

     That we can undertake the journey

    To discover our true nature,

    And so find the stability and confidence 

    We will need to live, and to die, well.

We are calling these the Gawler Meditation Teacher Trainings...

There are two modules we will present this year – the first in May focusing directly upon meditation, the second in November focusing upon imagery and meditation. Each module stands independently, but ideally you would join both as they do build on and complement each other. 

Completing both trainings does meet the 80 hour learning requirement that is an essential pre-requisite for joining Meditation Australia. 

Our courses are accredited by Meditation Australia for this purpose. 

The meditation trainings are based upon the content of my two most recent books on meditation: Meditation – an Indepth Guide, and Blue Sky Mind; while the Imagery training has as its key reference my earlier book The Mind that Changes Everything. The imagery training has a lot to do with positive thinking and harnessing the power of the Active Mind – for our own benefit, and the benefit of others.

Each module has its own recently updated manual of around 200 pages. 

Each manual provides detailed direction regarding how to present an 8 week meditation-based program. 

You could teach directly from the manual, or adapt sections of it to integrate into work you are already doing. 

The meditation style is what we call Mindfulness-based Stillness Meditation – a synthesis of all I have learnt from the exceptional teachers I have had the good fortune to learn from over many years, along with my own reading and practice, as well as the feedback and input from tens of thousands of people I have been blessed to work with and help learn how to meditate.

Each module is fully residential. Sure, many people do like to learn things online and often do so successfully, but this is meditation; it is best learnt directly, in person. Also, by being residential there is a huge bonus. You leave your normal life behind for a few days and in doing so, you can concentrate fully on the program, and importantly, you will have some time to yourself…

Have you ever been on a holiday where it was fun, yet you returned and a few days later it was all over; almost forgotten? Sure, the schedules are quite full for the trainings, but we have factored in some free time for self-reflection, walking amongst the beautiful – and inspiring – grounds of the Yarra Valley Living Centre; and there are the dual possibilities of time to talk with like-minded people, and some time for simply being quiet. It will be worth the effort to make the time, to travel and to attend in person. Come back from this and life will be different, and you will have a skill you can use into the future…

Both Trainings in 2025 will be led by Ian and Ruth Gawler, along with Melissa Borich

Without wanting to sound too much like a promoter, the reality is these programs were fully booked in 2024, so it is wise to register soon - Meditation in the Forest is already limited for space...

Meditation Teacher Training – Module 1: Mindfulness-based Stillness Meditation

DATES: 11am Monday 12th to 3.30pm Friday 16th May, 2025

VENUE: The Yarra Valley Living Centre, 55 Rayner Crt, Yarra Junction, Victoria, Australia

DETAILS and BOOKINGS: Visit our website: Click Here

The Mindfulness-based Stillness Meditation module will cover all the essentials of how to present a meditation course in-person or online. (Yes we do help you with how to present online as we recognise so many people are requesting this for actual meditation programs). This module details a comprehensive approach to meditation that covers preparation, relaxation, concentration, mindfulness, awareness and stillness. An approach to meditation that goes to the very essence… Theory, delivery, session structures, promotion, finances, the special challenges and needs of online courses, and more…

Developed for those new to teaching meditation, and for those wanting to go further.

Some of the Forest and Magnificent Trees of The Yarra Valley Living Centre;

Leading down to the Little Yarra River...

Meditation Teacher Training – Module 2: Meditation and Imagery

DATES: 11am Saturday 1st to 3.30pm Wednesday 5th November, 2025 (inc Melbourne Cup holiday on the 4th for Victorians)

VENUE: The Yarra Valley Living Centre, 55 Rayner Crt, Yarra Junction, Victoria, Australia

DETAILS and BOOKINGS: Visit our website: Click Here

So many people in so many domains recommend the benefits of guided imagery. This training will position you to be able to offer your community something of great value – a reliable way to help your participants to better understand how their thinking minds and emotions work, and how they can mange them so much better – for their own good and the good of others. This training is also manual based and will enable you to deliver a much-needed program.

Of great personal value, this training is suitable for those new to teaching meditation, and for those wanting to go further. Highly experiential, it will provide a review of the first module that will have given more attention to the basics of how to develop, manage and deliver a meditation program or course. Here we will give some attention to theory, research, delivery, session structures, promotion, finances, the special challenges of online courses, but the emphasis will be on experiencing the key practices of imagery, and working on how to best present an 8 week course focusing upon guided imagery. As with the first module, you could choose to teach directly from the manual, or adapt the material to integrate with programs you are already presenting.


For all who join our Meditation Teacher Trainings, ongoing mentorship and peer support is available through a specific group led by Ian, Ruth and Melissa. This dynamic  and committed group includes people who have completed one or more of our Meditation Teacher Trainings.

The 2024 Meditation and Contemplation Teacher Training Group

MORE DETAIL on both Meditation Teacher Trainings is available via this link

How to apply for either or both Meditation teacher Trainings:

1.     The first step is to visit our website, download the Meditation Teacher Training application form, fillet in and return it to our Retreat Manager, Mel Crow.  

2.     Mel will then arrange a short phone conversation to clarify what the trainings offer, discuss your needs, answer any questions and ensure the program is suitable for you. 

3.     Once accepted for the training(s), you pay a deposit or full fee to reserve your place.

4.     Full payment is due 3 weeks prior to the commencement of your training.

 All our Residential Programs in 2025 will be presented 

in the wonderfully supportive atmosphere of the Yarra Valley Living Centre

ALSO – ADVANCED NOTICE for our Two Meditation Retreats in 2025

MEDITATION in the FOREST     June 2025

Join us for the very popular Meditation in the Forest 7 day meditation retreat. 

Open to and suitable for both those newer to meditation, and those more experienced. 

Relaxation, mindfulness, stillness and awareness. 

Ruth and I will be joined by the wonderful Melissa Borich…

For your part? Simply make the time and come along…Relax. Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the Yarra Valley with its big trees, fresh air, beautiful grounds, the Little Yarra River, and sublime meditation sanctuary.

You can simply let go, and let be…

TIMES: Monday 2nd June starting at 11am   to 2pm Friday 8th June (after lunch) 2025

VENUE: The Yarra Valley Living Centre, 55 Rayner Crt, Yarra Junction, Victoria, Australia

DETAILS and BOOKINGS: Visit our website: Click Here


DEEP NATURAL PEACE     Long weekend mini retreat    November 2025

Towards the end of the year, an ideal opportunity for some time out, some gentle introspection and reflection, letting go of the busyness and finishing the year on a meditative high.

TIMES: Friday 14th November starting at 11am   to 3.30pm Sunday 16th November 2025

VENUE: The Yarra Valley Living Centre, 55 Rayner Crt, Yarra Junction, Victoria, Australia

DETAILS and BOOKINGS: Visit our website: Click Here


You can register for any of our residential programs 

through our website: Click here