We all know what happens if you get a new car, drive it, refuel it, keep driving it, but never service it. Nothing initially. It will keep going for a while. You will actually save both time and money in the short term. But we all know that sooner or later, things will start to go badly wrong.
Ever thought of taking routine care of your telomeres? Lets go Out on a Limb once more with Trevor and find out what is on offer; then more details of Meditation in the Desert, and also how you can obtain a 20% discount to one of the very best conferences, Mind and its Potential, but first

Thought for the day
A real friend
Is one who walks in
When the rest of the world walks out.
Walter Winchell
Trevor writes:
If we do not service our cars, we do not know exactly what will breakdown first, but we can be sure that it will not be a happy ending. We can also be fairly sure that an unserviced car will cease to function many, many years earlier than an identical car, using identical fuel, and driven in the same manner.
Similarly, we know that we may not even notice any immediate changes when we do the right thing and we do have our car serviced routinely.
But the vast majority of people do it anyway because they are aware that by doing so, the vehicle will run well for a long time to come.
Looking after your car, servicing your car, is like looking after your telomeres.
Telomeres as many of you will know by now, are the recently discovered protective end pieces on our chromosomes (that contain our genes and are made up of DNA). Australian Elizabeth Blackburn was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2009 for the discovery of how chromosomes are protected by these things called telomeres along with the enzyme telomerase.
All the cells in our body need to divide and reproduce from time to time. As they do so, the chromosomes in each and every one of those cells need to divide and replicate. As the chromosomes do this, the telomeres at their ends gradually fray and become shorter.

As our telomeres become shorter, all sorts of difficult health issues arise and when they become too short, quite simply, our cells can no longer replicate and we die.
Telomere shortening is now well proven to be a key factor in ageing, the development of chronic degenerative disease and the key determinant in “dying of old age”. If nothing else causes death first, short telomeres will.
Cancer, Heart Attacks, Alzhiemer’s Disease, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and many other conditions have all been associated with short telomeres. People who develop cancer and have shorter telomeres, are much more likely to die of their illness than people with longer telomeres.
Clearly, telomere length is of vital significance to our health and our longevity.
The latest scientific discoveries would indicate that if you are not choosing to actively support your telomeres you are doing the same thing as the person who is choosing not to service their car. You may be saving money in the short term, but you are heading for trouble much sooner that you need be.
One key to a long life and to good health is to keep your telomeres long. How to do it?
“Well I eat well!”
You may do, but that is no different to using premium fuel in your car. It helps in the day-today running of the car and is useful, but you still need to service the vehicle. Even human cells kept in perfect conditions in a petri dish with all the nutrients they need cease operating and dividing due to telomere shortening.
Product B is the only product registered with the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration for its capacity to support telomeres. Product B contains a blend of herbs carefully selected and researched for their capacity to support telomere function. Product B offers a simple solution.
There is good research showing the herbs in Product B also support immune function and have anti-cancer properties in their own right (see a summary of this research at www.herbalts.com).

You support your car with regular services because it is normal to do so and you understand why it is important.
What is worth more to you, your car or your health?
Both need regular servicing and support.
Actively supporting your telomeres will enable you to live a longer and healthier life.
At this point in time most people do not fully understand the importance of supporting their telomeres because this knowledge is something relatively new. Sadly, the vast majority of people are getting sicker and dying well before the 120 years that both scientists and God say we should be able to live.
For a full understanding of how Telomere Support will affect you and how it has already helped others watch Dr Bill Andrews as he presents to a large group of Anti-Aging medical specialists in the video on www.restoremybody.net
To order Product B, go to www.herbalts.com
May God bless you in all that you do.
Dr Trevor Chatham BVSc
Mobile : +61(0)414 627 833
Email : trevorchatham@gmail.com
Skype : trevor.chatham
Size does matter. Dogs, telomeres, cancer and you
Is this the elixir of youth?
1. Meditation in the Desert : August 29 – September 7 – FILLING FAST
Come, join Ruth and myself along with like-minded people for 7 days of meditation in the extraordinary atmosphere of the Central Australian desert, followed by several days of close contact with senior local indigenous leaders. Opportunity of a lifetime.
Secure your place with a deposit. For details CLICK HERE
Sharing stories as one part of Meditation in the Desert:
2. Mind and its Potential is one of the very best conferences and this year’s line-up of speakers is exceptional. As readers of my blog, you can use the code below and register with a 20% discount – very good value!!!
Mind & Its Potential 2014 27 & 28 October 2014 | The Concourse, Chatswood, Sydney
What is your true potential? Can you really train your brain?
How can you thrive?
Learn, network, be engaged and motivated at Mind & Its Potential 2014! Explore the latest science of neuroplasticity and discover how individuals, organisations and companies can do extraordinary things to improve wellbeing and productivity.
With 30+ world renowned international and local speakers this event is an essential ‘to-do’ for maximising your potential in all aspects of life.
As a supporting organisation we have secured a 20% discount for our contacts.
• Book before 27 June and save $380 off the full 2 day conference fee and $640 off the full 4 day gold pass fee (including workshops).
• Book before 19 September and save $300 off the full 2 day conference fee and $500 off the full 4 day gold pass fee (including workshops).
Book online using VIP code MBM or call (02) 8719 5118 to register. CLICK HERE
• Professor Michael Merzenich, USA, world’s foremost expert on the science of brain training who featured in ABC TV hit series Redesign My Brain as Todd Sampson’s mentor
• Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo, India, a remarkable woman who spent 12 years alone meditating in the Himalayas as featured in the international best-selling book Cave in the Snow
• Dr Linda E Carlson, Canada, pioneering psycho-oncology researcher and expert on mindfulness as a health intervention
• B. Alan Wallace, USA, inspiring teacher and leading scholar of Eastern and Western scientific, philosophical and contemplative modes of inquiry
• Dr Jenni Ogden, New Zealand, clinical neuropsychologist, blogger for Psychology Today and author of Trouble in Mind, a memoir in the spirit of Oliver Sacks
• Richard Gill OAM, internationally respected music educator and conductor and ABC TV’s Spicks and Specks panellist
• Adam Spencer, outstanding science communicator, broadcaster, author and maths geek with 1.2 million+ views for his famous TED talk!
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