Now for the miracle. As a special Christmas treat, this is an almost unbelievable true story that occurred on our farm several years ago. But first
Thought for the Day
The words always, never, everybody & nobody
are lies
Tracey Bartram
The miracle
For many years I have always had a live Christmas tree. When my children were growing up, we had a new one each year and then planted it out. So on our old farm there developed the Christmas tree avenue, made up of all the different pine trees, cedars and like minded trees.
In more recent times, we have grown the Christmas tree on in a pot until it really is large enough to demand planting. So where Ruth and I live currently, there is only one ex-Christmas tree in the ground, one in a pot.
A couple of years ago our oldest grandchild was with us on the current farm for Christmas and getting to the age of questioning Santa. Fancy that! Anyway, it was a hot year and a good deal of tree watering was required. Having checked the trees on Christmas Eve, I went out to water them again on Boxing Day.

Imagine this. Up the paddock, under the ex-Christmas tree were two delicate little deer horns!
Each about 4 – 5” long, or 10 – 15 cms in the new money, and they looked for all the world like baby reindeer horns.
Now you may think I am dreaming, but never having seen such things in our area, or even heard of anyone else finding them, what are the chances? They turned up Christmas Eve or night, under the Christmas tree and they are real deer horns.
Moral of the story? The grandchild still believes in Santa!
So now to thank everyone who over this year past has supported the work Ruth and I offer. We meet so many extra-ordinary people, have the opportunity to interact with people on such a person, heartfelt and intimate level, we deeply appreciate the work we do.
Ruth has retired after 12 years providing a wonderful service at the Gawler Foundation and so ext year we will be working together even more.
So may the true spirit of Christmas, which is the birth of Christ - the divine embodiment of love - touch your heart deeply and fill all you love with the joy and wonder of life. May 2014 be a year of contentment, good health and meaning, and Ruth and I look forward to the possibility of meeting once again.
Vegans can run, but what about the science?
A big landmark - Ruth has retired from her position with the Gawler Foundation.
This will enable us to work more together next year - presenting retreats, some specific cancer programs and more public workshops and conference appearances.
Ruth has helped so many people during her 12 years at the Foundation. As a GP, she enabled many people to resolve health issues and stay on in the cancer programs. Ruth enjoys an excellent and well deserved reputation as a psychotherapist and she provided many people with wise counsel.
Then too, Ruth led many group sessions, taught many the art of gentle, therapeutic yoga, and of course, led many meditation sessions. I am excited by the prospect of doing more of our work together next year, some of which we will be doing in conjunction with the Foundation in the Yarra Valley.
Some of the great Gawler Foundation therapeutic team at Ruth's farewell.
Meditation in the Forest : April 11 – 17, 2014
Interested in deepening your experience of meditation? Coming on retreat provides this real possibility – a breakthrough into a more direct, more profound experience.
The retreats Ruth and I present are specifically designed to provide time out from the busy pace of modern life, to rest deeply, to regenerate, to heal if necessary; but even more, to be invigorated, re-inspired and to experience something more of what meditation really has to offer – the bliss of direct experience.
The regular Pre-Easter retreat Ruth and I present is on in the Yarra Valley again in 2014 during April. For details CLICK HERE
New Year’s Eve – and the marathon vegans return to Fed Square

Consider this – Janette and Alan Wakelin will complete 365 marathons on New Year’s Eve and will be arriving in Melbourne’s Federation Square that afternoon.
Maybe if you are coming in for the evening fireworks, maybe if you are simply inspired by their extra-ordinary endurance feat, you could join us in the city and welcome them home.
Details of their efforts CLICK HERE
New Year's Eve Chanting and Meditation - 8:00 PM, 31 December 2013.
A sacred and joyful celebration of transformation and inner peace, presented by Jarek Czechowicz. Enjoy universal chant, divine music and a midnight meditation of flowing om chants. You can sing, move to the music, or just relax and soak up the healing vibrations. No drugs, no alcohol, all love.
Discover just how good you can feel!
Augustine Centre, 2 Minona St Hawthorn.
More details at or phone 0411 639 081.
Buy tickets at
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